Wednesday 26 September 2018

How much waste is in our lunchboxes?

This week we have been doing a science report,
for our science report we had to get our lunch boxes
to measure how much waste, non-waste and fruits we 
had in our lunch boxes. Then we put them in a pie chart and
a bar graph.


  1. hai payton your background is so cool! Were the pie chart also shows how much fruit there was but you have not included it please include it.

  2. Hi Payton
    I really like your photos on how much waste in your lunch box.Thanks Jacob

  3. Hi Cuzz.
    I really can't believe how much rubbish is in our lunchbox that's amazing.
    Did you no that 1 rubbish truck is being dumped into the ocean each minute that's how much rubbish is being littered.
    and that was really good.
    bye thanks Quaid.

  4. Hi Payton
    I really like your photos on how much waste in your lunch box.Thanks brayden

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Payton.
    I really like the pictures and the writing on your post.
    keep up the good work!


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